vineri, 19 august 2011

Moon daughter

Imogene, the daughter
of the last sunset
Cause yourself
a false
And smile...
Bats in the skies
sweet getaways
for the arisings
Better contemplate
your last debate
Pretty green ways
and sordid coy games
And smile...
For the mother of the law
take your clothes 
by the paw
And smile...
Go deep in fright
Better synthetisize
for all your lovers outcries
the cruel sound of liberty
To just be without being
And smile...
Nausea's dream
what happened to your skin
It was so smooth
yet so fearceful
Love lives to die
So gather your inwards
And smile...

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  3. Buna! Ma numesc De Wolf si iti scriu pentru a te cere de nevasta pe internet.
    Sper ca vei gasi oportuna propunerea mea si daca doresti putem dezvolta impreuna acest concept ambitios, pe care l-am transpus in realitatea virtuala de ceva vreme.
    Say YES! si viata ta se va schimba cu 180 de grade!
    Sper ca n-ai sa-mi ranesti sentimentele cu un raspuns negativ... Nu mi-as putea reveni niciodata de pe urma traumei. :|
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE & Kisses!

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