miercuri, 9 februarie 2011

Undeniable: true and pathological, but still powerfull love

"If you die, I will lie down beside you and I will stay there until the end, without eating or drinking, you will rot in my arms and I will love you as carcass: for you love nothing if you do not love everything."

- J. P. Sartre, "The Devil and the Good Lord"

"Libertatea absolută se câştigă prin dragoste. Căci doar dragostea îl eliberează pe om de natura sa, alungând fiara şi demonul."
Mircea Eliade.


You shook like a shadow
a lullaby disguise
premise to my arise
cut despair...smooth airflow
gorgeously wrapped in my bones
wreckage beauty of most all inwards
still burns...still floods...yet returns
you took my revolution to unknowns
just stood sillently inside my stones
my wild love...



Mesajde sallzestra19 pe Sâm Aug 28, 2010 
Dorinta-n nestiinta
albastru de cuartil si nefiinta
rastoarna pietre in aval
prizoner al mintii carnaval
arsita n-are constiinta
sufler chinuit, rastoarna-te altadata
esti aruncat in abisal de neputiinta
de esti suflu inghetat al vietii
nu vom afla asta nicicand...